Rattlesnake Alert- Rattlesnake Aversion Training for Dogs
The foundation of aversion training is to introduce a dog to a rattlesnake in a safe environment and teach it to never want to interact with a rattlesnake again.
I was inspired to start conducting these trainings due to Mr. Web Parton cutting back on traveling outside of his area for the training. He had been conducting and refining his proven method of Snake Safe Training for about 35 years. I was fortunate enough to mentor under him at multiple venues in Utah and Arizona before he cut back on travel. His Snake Safe method is the most effective way to teach canines to avoid rattlesnakes as well as alert their owners to the presence of a rattlesnake in the field.
Unlike other rattlesnake trainings, this method will last for the remainder of the dog's life and there will be no need for a re-test.
I, Mike Parmley, will have a maximum of six canines per training session. I prefer to do the training with a group of dogs, since they will learn from each other during the training.
Each training will take between three and four hours.
The training will focus on teaching the dogs to recognize a rattlesnake through seeing, hearing and most importantly, smelling the snakes. I have directly observed canines pick up the scent of a rattlesnake from over 30 feet away. This is essentially a dogs first line of defense in coming face to face with a rattlesnake. Also, scent is the most effective way for a dog to verify a rattlesnake.
Once the canines have learned how to recognize a rattlesnake, I will set up scenarios where the dog must walk up to the snake. Upon seeing, hearing and smelling the rattlesnake, a low-level electronic impulse is then applied to the dog to resemble the snake touching them.
Measures are taken to ensure the dog knows that it is the rattlesnake, not the human or the place, that is causing the impulse.
I will establish a perimeter as our safe area where the dog and I can retreat to and calm down.
Once I feel certain that the dog realizes that a rattlesnake is something that it does not want to interact with, I do one final test to assure the owners of the effectiveness of the training.
I use live, de-fanged rattlesnakes for my training. This procedure is done with the utmost care and can be done without causing bleeding or bruising to the snake. This has proven to be the safest and most effective way for a canine to interact with a rattlesnake.
In order for the training to be effective, I ask that the canine be over 6 months in age.
In accordance with Barley's Canine Recreation Center, we must be presented a vaccination certificate proving that your dog is current on Rabies, Distemper, Parvo and Bordetella vaccinations. If there is a reason why your dog can not receive one of the vaccines and you have a veterinarian note explaining the situation, we may be able to accommodate your dog.
If your dog has a hard time interacting with other dogs or humans, please contact me so we can discuss the situation. I do hold private classes for dogs that are very aggressive, but prefer to have dogs attend group classes for a number of reasons.